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Unit 5: Europe Enters the Modern Age and 

Age of Revolution

Essential Learnings for Unit 5

  1. The Scientific Revolution: Understand the importance of key scientific theories and inventions from the Scientific Revolution.

  2. The Enlightenment: Explain the influence of Enlightenment thought on democratic thinking.

  3. The French Revolution and Napoleon: Analyze the causes and consequences of the French Revolution.

  4. Revolutions in Latin America: How did events in Europe lead to revolution in Latin America during the 18th and 19th centuries?

  5. The Industrial Revolution: Identify how scientific and technological advances brought massive change during the 1800s.

Activities, Presentations, Readings & Assignments

  1. Scientific Revolution Text

  2. Scientific Revolution Visual Discovery Activity

  3. Galileo "Thought Bubble" Activity Directions and Role Cards

  4. Enlightenment Philosophers: What was Their Main Idea?

  5. The Age of Enlightenment Reading

  6. Enlightenment Philosopher Notes

  7. Enlightenment Political Cartoons Directions (Also Posted in Classroom)

  8. Enlightenment Ideas Spread Reading

  9. Fever Model of a Revolution Info and Project

  10. Industrial Revolution-Urban Game


Notebook Organization

  1. "Scientific Revolution" Reading 34.1 and 34.2:  5 Questions and Answers

  2. Scientific Revolution Visual Discovery Activity 

  3. "Thought Bubbles" Activity

  4. "8 Boxes" Activity: "Fear and Lathing in the Scientific Revolution" Video

  5. Enlightenment Philosophers Chart/Graphic Organizer (Assignment in Google Classroom)

  6. "Choose Your Own Enlightenment Video" (10-12 minutes) Summary Activity

  7. "Enlightenment Ideas Spread" pages 451-455: Turn headings into questions and answer them

  8. Industrial Revolution Intro: Pages 544-554: Read green headings, write one sentence summary

  9. Urban Game Reflection

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